Nutshell help you deliver the buying experience your customers expect, wherever they are and however they wish to pay you.
There are now in excess of 150 alternative payment methods available to consumers and we ensure you do not miss out on any potential sales.
At Nutshell we believe:
What’s Driving Our Beliefs?
The overarching pattern that influences these beliefs is that customers and merchants alike want speed, convenience, and customer service with their money. A merchant’s ability to provide a good shopping experience depends on a fluid checkout process and generous customer benefits like loyalty cards and payment integrations, which drive growth in online shopping over brick and mortar.
Similarly, merchants are looking towards automation and account alternatives that provide instant access to their money. Nutshell have experienced the start of these trends first hand, and we’ve been setting our merchants up for success in anticipation. If you’re interested in preparing for the next big thing in merchant services, reach out to our team, or for a quick response, please complete.