Nutshell help you deliver the experience your customers expect, wherever they are and however they wish to pay you.
There are now in excess of 150 different payment methods available to consumers and we ensure you do not miss out on any potential sales.
At Nutshell we believe:
- Customer Service Will Be the Differentiator
- Ecommerce Isn’t Going Anywhere
- Decentralized Networks and Crypto Will Begin to Enter the Mainstream
- Merchant Services Will Be Frictionless
- Brands Will Be Your Future Bank
Customer Service Will Be a Differentiator
Payment processors and merchant service providers have to adapt to the times, and gone are the days where faster processing and better payment security are differentiators for merchants when choosing a partner. That’s not to say these things aren’t crucial; they are. The difference is that any provider that’s worth its weight will offer these things.
Comparing Provider, A with Provider B is becoming increasingly difficult because they look more and more similar as technology advances. Adding a personal and human element to payment processing will be the difference-maker when trying to stand out from the competition, and merchants will find an overall increase in the quality of customer service as different providers try to prove their worth in 2022.